
Monday, 23 November 2009

I am just a baby; God, the Great Giver, is my Father.

Malaar, Fifth Mehla:
When the baby's only food is milk, it cannot survive without its milk.
The mother takes care of it, and pours milk into its mouth; then, it is satisfied and fulfilled. 1
I am just a baby; God, the Great Giver, is my Father.
The child is so foolish; it makes so many mistakes. But it has nowhere else to go. 1Pause
The mind of the poor child is fickle; he touches even snakes and fire.
His mother and father hug him close in their embrace, and so he plays in joy and bliss. 2
What hunger can the child ever have, O my Lord and Master, when You are his Father?
The treasure of the Naam and the nine treasures are in Your celestial household. You fulfill the desires of the mind. 3
My Merciful Father has issued this Command: whatever the child asks for, is put into his mouth.
Nanak, the child, longs for the Blessed Vision of God's Darshan. May His Feet always dwell within my heart. 42

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